Occam's Babby Former

He should watch the Tonys with Rachel Bloom.

Is this gay guy going out with the Dean?

But will Ken Jeong or Joel McHale do better in New Hampshire? Analyze that, Nate Silver!

Dr. "But a lot of people hate me." Ken

Jeff "Sleaziest Ambulance Chaser" Winger!

Fine I will, but I hope I get Changnesia afterwards.

What he means by their crypto-conservativism is that if you listen to every Coen brothers film backwards, you'll hear a speech by Ronald Reagan.

Persian name? Thanks, Obummer!!!

Also what the hell kind of a name is Roosh?

So is his name Roosh V, as in The Fifth, like there is a whole lineage of people who would choose to call themselves Roosh?

The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 passed by Esienhower which created the Interstate Highway system was partly inspired by a disastrous 2-month Transcontinental Motor Convoy he did with the Army in 1919 and also partly by Germany's multi-lane autobahn.

The end.

The Suns are 2-21 over the past several weeks. I think Carol could cover at least.

Carol because the Suns are pretty bad this year.

I'm hoping for a Lucifer-Angel From Hell crossover.

Nope, not done actually. A good way Cath could make friends is go to Nebraska football games and write gay fanfiction about the Cornhuskers:

I blame Wikipedia then.

Apparently her roommate Reagan is described as an "edgier version of Adele." But really can anyone be less edgy than Adele? She is the musical equivalent of a pillow.

Clearly that is because Cath would appreciate being called Cathowary instead. Cather is too much like catheter.

I think I'd rather read Cath's story from her roommate's point of view.