Occam's Babby Former

How can you not know where the dining hall is if you're presumably a freshman living on campus? Just look at a map, go online, ask your sister, roommate, neighbors, RA, literally anyone on campus; look for a place with picnic tables, large dumpsters and delivery trucks; read signs on buildings, use your sense of

I don't know… Gossip Girl was pretty harrowing.

Semi has to keep herself busy.

My college roommate stopped playing WoW and talked about being clean from it like it was heroin.

These rendering errors caused by a walk-through-walls glitch achieved not by using Gameshark, but by exploiting faulty Gen 1 game mechanics. Because what would be the fun by just plugging in some arbitrary cheat codes?

Don't be mean about the number of films I watch below the mean here.

More like Iron Man C+ lolololololol

I mean, if I had the means I'd see more.

…I should see more movies, I guess.

Hail, Conan!

This is what Valencia deserves for being so mean to Josh, Rebecca and everyone else.

Unfamiliar Familiar: I'm joking, but at this point of YA book adaptation oversaturation, I'm not so sure anymore.

*wears a MALE GAZE shirt*

Every friendship could use more White Josh.

Affro, Stephen's right there.

Or did you like it from…afart! lolololololololololol

It's not like O.J. rushed for 877 more yards or scored 9 more TDs than Keyes that season or anything!