Occam's Babby Former

The Panthers were doing the same thing the second half!

With Stewart, Lockett and the Panther's defense, I could 40 points in fantasy from this game alone!

The laptop he stole had contained all the secrets of BENGHAZI!

Thank for your assuring us Springsteen's "Nazis" is imaginary. I wasn't totally sure!

Yes, Pete Carroll is a knows the TRUTH about Cam Newton.

Remember when the Seahawks were good?

It's vaguely reassuring that presidential election campaigns have been terrible for a very long time. For example, the election of 1884.


You have my undying booby affection!

Winning Risk: Would that it were so simple.

Bugs Bunny is classic animation, silly!


Typical TVDW response.

Something something Sean Penn, bees? and bigger, blacker dick.

Watching SNL makes me stress eat too. :'-(

Yes. So ELITE.

Jost does have the white pointless blandness of a good back-up QB.

He wants the Packers to cover in the most fickle way possible.

He's also pretty hottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

Larry Fitzgerald must be an SNL fan.