Occam's Babby Former

Please. ;-)

We're here to support you.

With guest host Adam Donald Driver.

I don't because the color of my room isn't electric blue. :'-(

Kate can do a good cat.

I want Jay as Ben Carson as Finn.

Lloyd goes back to the dead-comment era where he liveblogged complete movies on no day's rest!

Sure, Tom Brady, have a great fantasy day well after the fantasy season is over. I could have used this a month ago, you donks!

More like Crappy BirthDave, amirite????

Yeah, there's an earnestness to the film's ineptness that makes it bearable. It honestly tries to be good and meaningful, but it just can't at all. It's a nice dumb pet dog of a film.

"Time Chasers" is an all-around fun episode that isn't considered by many as one of Mike's best, but should be. Everything about the movie is transcendentally dumb and Eddie is one of the best minor characters in all of MST3K.

Your daddy didn't eat your fries, right?

They haven't won one since I've been born! And I'm not that young anymore!

We still don't know for sure how having Magic Man's powers affects Betty. I wonder if Ice King/Simon still being alive changes things compared to Magic Man. I get the sense that Margles dying caused MM to become an amoral jerk, while Betty's goal on curing Simon could allow her to use MM's powers for a constructive


I'm sure we haven't seen the last of PB vs. the King of Ooo.

An intriguing episode in terms of the plot development with Betty and the crown, but felt a bit incomplete. This is opposite problem from "Betty" and "You Forgot Your Floaties" which definitely had their moments, but were a bit too fast paced which blunted the emotional impact and covered enough ground that could have

Lupin Aragog Potter

To be fair to Bushie, I probably wouldn't touch most of the Chinese food in Oklahoma either.