Occam's Babby Former

Would that it were so simple!

I would have loved to have seen how they handled the Three Lights/Sailor Starlights.

One of the few good things to come out of the whole Bubbline deal is what Rebecca Sugar said at an Adventure Time Comic Con panel when someone during a Q&A session inevitably asked if Marceline and PB had a romantic past: "That is none of your business."

I can see that. I mainly saw "BMO Noir" as a straightforward riff on Noir. Well, as straightforward as BMO can make it, which is…not very.

My birthday present was letting my fantasy basketball team lose to yours. ;-) LeBron and I are pretty tight!

I like how excuses for NEPTR's long absences from the show has become a running gag. Poor NEPTR. He spent three months building the set for Dead Goat Gulch!

In short, watch pretty much everything by Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli.

I do know! I'll watch the new ep later tonight.

Don't worry, I have plenty loathing to spare for myself!

Stephen, I wouldn't do that!

⋛⋋( ՞ਊ ՞)⋌⋚ I'D LOVE TO, BUT EVEN I CAN'T BE THAT MUCH OF A JERK! ⋛⋋( ՞ਊ ՞)⋌⋚


Neither does Disqus anymore!

My favorite scene from Mad Men!

I was saying Daboourns.

Nick Saban is ready for everything, up to Armageddon. Or should I say Nick Satan???

Are y'all ready for Dabo? Dabo… Dabo!

More like Fart Alexakis, amirite?

Hipster Douchebag is still a thing? Only the good die young…