Occam's Babby Former

It was only a matter of time before BMO went from film noir to westerns. I can't wait to see BMO's French New Wave phase!

One could say it's an Adventure BMO! Also know as "Oh yeah, I guess we have other programming besides Teen Titans Go!"

(つ°ヮ°)つ └⋃┘ Yes. (つ°ヮ°)つ └⋃┘

I'm dying right here tonight by reading this!

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Come on, it's simply pronounced ˈnuːnəˌvʊt!

What a bunch of chucklefucks.

Better Call Son of Saul?

Luckily, Alaska and Hawaii aren't exactly hard to miss.

Don't JuiceRocky the Golden Globes!

Dick Wolf Hall?

Limited actress: Gaga

More like home-field disadvantage, amirite???

Gage and Brookney are a solid folk duo though.

Listening to Lupica makes me feel concussed!

This game has made me a Pete Carroll truther. Jet fuel can make kickers miss 27 yard field goals!

To be fair, the Bengals have always been embarrassing.

roses are red

violets are red

tulips are red

bushes are red

trees are red

oh god my gardens on fire

I feel bad for the refs, but I fully support the Bengals outraging the media like this

why wolves howl?

because they have no idea what are they doing