Occam's Babby Former

She does minor characters that are a bit clueless and vapid so well. Like the ticket booth lady in "Lion 2."

Pearls just may have a natural tendency towards cattiness. Our Pearl has had her catty moments too, like her with Greg in "We Need to Talk."

I'm not racist, my friend is a Pearl!

Has Spongy gone to the dark side and started downvoting our comments???

But Professor SBT, Narwhal ate my homework! Can't I get an extension? :'-(

At this point most anime series have a hot springs episode, right?

Poor Mayor Dewey is right there! :'-(

Eckstein's lone vote was a group ballot from Fremulon Insurance.

Rewatch Community, of course.

It's possible Homeworld is and earth-like rocky planet with similar gravity. Perhaps that's why earth was one of their targets. You can't exactly make a whole lot of gems on a gas giant like Jupiter, at least in a way similar to the Kindergarten.

I imagine the higher-ups in the Homeworld hierarchy would only tell Peridot exactly what she needs to know to do her mission on Earth and nothing more. It's possible there's a good deal she doesn't know about gem history, or perhaps she only knows a biased version of it.

"Also, can you make this show about 300% less gay?"

Clearly, the Tunguska Event was actually a large Homeworld spaceship that crashed into Earth.

Wake up, sneople!

Eat tread, dirtbags!