Occam's Babby Former

I refuse to be part of your unholy chimera of companionship!

Well, one could say an ugly ass would make his Deadwood quite Justified.

Turtle Princess, eh? I can work with that.

How homely is she on a scale of 1 to Raggedy Princess?

We could watch Kurosawa together! Like some sort of club for the audio-visual arts… An Audio-Visual Club… An A.V. Club…

Shh! You're no Ira Glass!

Or listen to NPR while walking together…abuddies!

I don't have a best friend, and haven't for a while. I mean, I have friends and some fairly close ones, but not one particular person I've bonded with in a special way. I did have one while in elementary school but we went to different middle schools and since then have amicably drifted apart. Her and my families are

The 2015-16 Warriors are the inverse of what Jon Bois did in NBA Y2K.

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No reinsnakes, no dice.

Yes, sorry! This Abedian side-adventure (time) was due to the Meredith Gran, the person behind OP, wrote two comics centered on Marceline.

Five days and 851 comics later, I have read all of the quite excellent webcomic Octopus Pie up to now. This comic is one of my favorites.

For a second I thought you meant an article about turkey as in the bird. Turkeys can barely fly they could never land on the moon!1!11!

Tier 15 is still illegal in most states.

Classic Bois:

Bleacher Reporn

Jim Gaffigan could play Greg Olsen in a movie about the Panthers this season. I would watch it based on that casting choice alone!

A Newfoundland just won its group at the National Dog Show! Everything's coming up Stephen!