Occam's Babby Former

You beating me in fantasy football this week makes us even, SG.

Breakfast Princess has my favorite design. I want a bacon belt and hairpiece!

Probably a fairly standard list, but here it goes:

"Uh huh. Maybe you're just a big fat mythologist, Julie."

SNL can uses Pharaoh's Carson like Tina Fey's Palin, depending on how far Carson goes in the election. Pharaoh's no Fey, of course, but his Carson is pretty solid and has improved over time.

I'm early into S3!

One of the residual aspects of Adventure Time taking over my life for the time being is that I've started reading Meredith Gran's Octopus Pie. It's some cool shit!

"Look a supermodel!
Look a hoverboard!
Look the apocalypse!
Somebody got hit in the boingloings!
Hit in the boingloings.
Somebody got hit in them.

As in wanting to eat him? Yes. Yes I am!

I would watch a film shot in a series of cinéma vérité style vignettes about the citizens of Ooo.

I sure am! I'll probably finish S2 tonight!

*SG initiates plan to clone Steph Curry*

Clearly I should be hired by the NBA, because unlike any real teams so far, my fantasy team was able to beat Steph Curry.

I just started watching Adventure Time recently as well!

Casual revelations of living in New Jerusalem.