ignore the flesh egg in the background and zoom in on them sweet pinstripes
ignore the flesh egg in the background and zoom in on them sweet pinstripes
I live in chigger-country and appreciate being able to go outside my house without being eat up with bug bites. Also: snakes love high grass, so I’d also like to walk in my lawn without fear of stepping on one of those as well. Lastly, I like to actually go outside and do stuff and not have ass-high grass all around…
“I want to go to a game, but not a home game. Instead I’ll pay hundreds of dollars for a flight, get a hotel, blow all my money and then go to a football game when we’re completely hungover. Then fly back on a Monday.”
He could trim the budget, but then they wouldn’t get bowl games.
Doesn’t seem like such a raw deal to me. In Mark Davis, Las Vegas certainly got bangs for their buck.
Not shaming Democrats who voted for her. I’m also not shaming Democrats to who didn’t vote for her and are okay with Trump (if any such Democrats exist).
The sins of the father are not the sins of the son. We should shower him. With praise.
No couple REALLY cues up an episode of Real Sex to get in the mood.
I’d be tempted to buy it seeing how fast Austin is growing. And dirt isn’t being made anymore.
The U.S. Navy has launched 59 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles at a Syrian military airfield Thursday night, in…
By the way, C is the only letter in YMCA that is not symmetrical, which makes it the trickiest letter of the bunch. Makes you think.
I shower in the morning after my wake-up dump. I feel more confident during the day when I’m not constantly questioning whether or not I’ve done an adequate job cleaning myself. Those are thoughts that consume me.
So you’re saying he wouldn’t fit in with their culture?
Then I got hammered the next day and forgot to put it away. Ice Cream cakes are bad.
Got hammered once and woke up with this in my freezer.
“Us Dems” need to realize that shit takes time. That every additional thing is a brick in the wall of a case. One of the biggest mistakes I keep seeing made is some of us thinking that there is one thing that takes him down. No, a case of things will take him down.
Fingers crossed? I’d love to be able to stop sad drinking and start happy drinking.
I think they missed a great opportunity. Should have built it with the bed of the truck in the front. Like pushing a shopping cart.
It’s honestly surprising that this doesn’t happen more often with remote interviews from subjects’ houses.