
Duh. Machines can’t be “people”. Only corporations can.

Yes, they would not expect the Rebels to ram their flagship on a suicide mission. That is not a common tactic in warfare, and the whole point of the scene is that it’s a surprise - if ramming ships were a common method of fighting in Star Wars, it wouldn’t be.

Yep. I was like, who? Oh, Dottie. Carry on. She kicked ass in AC.

I kept thinking “where do I know this actor from” and going through the list of credits given and it was all things I have never heard of...and then you mentionned Agent Carter.

Anyone who kept watching after Glen died is an idiot. This show has been garbage for years.

This Antifa van... does it contain a large dog and four meddling kids who pull the white hoods off of hate groups and announce “It was law enforcement all along!”?

Boo. She should have put a bullet in his brain the second she saw him again.

Every once in a while I glance over these recaps.

Especially the ending credit tribute for Boseman :-(

Poland’s far right is taking notes.

This shit would never happen to a man.

Additionally, when did we go from ‘women deserve to have pay equality’ and ‘Union’s help keep workers from getting screwed’ to ‘Female Union worker is asking for too much money from a corporation since she already has enough’?

Nerd dogma #1: when it doubt blame the woman.

I can’t stand it when they add fantastical elements to historical dramas.

Why is it that the intersection of a Venn diagram between “Studio Executives” and “Terrible Ideas” almost always results in a perfect circle?

Here’s an explanation of what Simone Biles just went through yesterday from another competitive gymnast and diver.

Of course, the folks piling on have never achieved a fraction of what Biles has.

They’ve got no room to criticize.

Eat Shit.