
I’m SURE you call out racism all the time, and not just now.

Epic trolling. You almost had me believing that you are for real and not just some loser triggering the libs. How the fuck did you get out of the grays?

If you look at the history or labor movements, and especially the advent and rise of communism, you see that neither would have happened, if the wealthy assholes running things had just decided to be 10%-15% less assholish to the people working for them.

Silly of Fox to set up a tree. Everyone knows they should have a burning cross set up outside.

Way to punch down Dave. C’mon man, isn’t there enough other people out there, who deserve your harsh hot takes, to leave Trans folks alone?

Absolutely agree. I’m not saying we should want this to happen, but it is only a matter of time in the country with most heavily armed civilian population in the world.

One of these days the cops are going to do this to the wrong person (or the loved one of the wrong person), and they are going to be someone who has training, guns, and smarts and is one bad day away form taking out the all their rage on a sheriffs station like fucking terminator.

A healthy working environment often harbors higher costs, and no greedy CEO wants that, especially if they want to “win capitalism”.

I completely understand the sentiment, and i’m a White Het Cis Dude in his late 40's with a good paying job. One thing to remember, is that as scary as this situation is, the reason why all this crazy shit is happening right now is because American Conservatism is LOSING and they know it.

That's hilarious. What if that monstrous contraption was not, as they said, a weapon, but just a left over scavenger for space junk by an advanced lost civilization.