
And here we go with the circular fireing squad.

Yes, let’s justify colonialism by pointing out the evils committed by indigenous peoples in their own cultures. Surely, we can’t find any examples in European history of mass atrocity that would easily be used to justify the various peoples of Europe being colonized and their culture eradicated by an outside force.

I do not see things going very well for Batman Azteca, unless they take the opportunity to make this into an alternate timeline that let’s him succeed in stopping.. well, everything that ends up happening. I would totally be onboard with that.

I’m SURE you call out racism all the time, and not just now.

Yeah, I’ll bet he couldn’t even pass one of those “literacy tests” that folks like L. Graham instituted back in the day as a requirement for voting.

I really can’t wait for this blockchain bullshit to finally combust and be relegated to the same place in history as swallowing tapeworms eggs as a weight loss treatment.

Epic trolling. You almost had me believing that you are for real and not just some loser triggering the libs. How the fuck did you get out of the grays?

The only way they could make it work is if they actually confront it like they did with Rorschach in Watchmen TV series.

Can you fill us non-book readers in? 

And then they will all become climate change refugees and bring their ignorant poisoned brains to the Blue States because that’s the only place left to go.

“The millipede that left the fossil was well over 8 feet long and may have been a predator.”

If you look at the history or labor movements, and especially the advent and rise of communism, you see that neither would have happened, if the wealthy assholes running things had just decided to be 10%-15% less assholish to the people working for them.

Silly of Fox to set up a tree. Everyone knows they should have a burning cross set up outside.

Anyone else have the habit of seeing a story that your interested in on IO9, then when finding out it’s a goddamn slide-show and just move along to something else?

Hmmm, baseless accusing someone of hacking, i.e. criminal activity in both print and video? Sounds like libel AND slander to me. Get ready for a lawsuit you GOP twit. 

Way to punch down Dave. C’mon man, isn’t there enough other people out there, who deserve your harsh hot takes, to leave Trans folks alone?

You know...I’m just going to say, I appreciate the literary and artistic value to the End-Of-World genre, but... look, I am still processing the actual, real world, once-in-a-lifetime* existential threats of the real world. So forgive me if i don’t get the same satisfaction to going to see the world end on the big

I’m sure post-production will clean up the color pallets and other looks. I’m totally into giving this a shot, and if it is marginally good I’ll be satisfied. If it sucks to high heaven, I’ll feel bad for the actors and others who obviously wanted, and tried, to make it be good. But I’ll still have my DVD’s on the

Sure, and if that was true we would have universal healthcare in the US by now.

I’m going to take a wild guess, and assume that these various investigations will come to a head just in time for the mid term elections. At least I hope the Dems have that plan. We are going to need all the help we can get to counter the anti-democratic shenanigans the GOP is using to regain power.