ocbrad1 used to be iamhoff but is now just wandering around

Hilarious to see this! I grew up there.

Do hotels in Wyoming have Wyoming-shaped waffle irons?

Honest question for Wyoming people:

Here in Texas, if you stay in a hotel, you can usually go get breakfast and find a waffle iron that makes Texas-shaped waffles. Do hotels in Wyoming have Wyoming-shaped waffle irons?

Lander Native here! YAY!!!

Yup from Northwest WY

the carbons gorgeous... but ive been conditioned to not like people staring into my vehicle..


I thoroughly agree with the concept of taking 4400 lb American v-8 wagons to the ‘Ring.

There is a DC-10 in SoCal that is frequently used for the big fires. My Facebook feed is full of photos of it fighting the bluecut Fire.


I tried FiberFix. I was on the toilet ALL THE TIME.