Orangecar Blackheart

I get cat hair all over my stuff now. I can’t imagine how much worse baby and toddler messes would be. I am determined that I’ll never find out.

I was so excited to get a stand mixer, as I bake often. However, I had already honed my two-bowls-and-a-hand-mixer recipes and just couldn’t get used to my bulky stand mixer. I haven’t used it in several years, even as it lived on my counter. While decorating for Christmas I put it back in the box, and I’ll probably

My dad had a Zune (2010), Surface RT, and multiple Windows phones. He really wanted Microsoft’s portable tech to succeed...
I never owned any of these failures, but I do have a Pebble and ZeTime collecting dust, and very narrowly avoided buying hoverboards, Segways, and an Xbox One Kinect edition. I actually liked Wii

Yeah, they made no sense once you were much more than a meter away... I actually really enjoy curved 27+” computer displays, especially when you have a multi-monitor or ultrawide setup...

Likely Medium-Duty Tesla Cybertruck Classification Makes Elon Musk’s Ford F-150 Challenge Pointless

If your business plan is “borrow now to grow, and grow forever” with no profitability possible on a zero-growth market, then you are a Ponzi scheme and will surely fail. The whole world economy is built on that mentality right now - Earth is finite, it’s resources finite...

No. This isn’t redeemable. This isn’t quirky. This isn’t stylish. Stop calling this anything but an abomination of a rich madman’s fever dream.
There is no chance it is safe, reliable, or affordable. It’s a goddamn toy for a nutjob.

Thank you. Hearing that comment definitely earns an “OK Boomer” or “Says the Guy” from me.

As long as you actually ARE saving some amount of money that you decide is appropriate for emergencies and for retirement, spend however you want!

So what you’re saying is I should stock a deep freezer full of whole turkeys while they’re ultra-cheap? If you enjoy roast turkeys at least once a month so, you could probably save a few hundred bucks this Thanksgiving!

Don’t do this

Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure as heck buys nostalgia.
Happiness is overrated anyway.

Why are you talking about this like it’s OK? It’s not OK. I don’t even vape, but it’s infuriating to see this idiot train keep running.

The DA office put that out? Do they have any evidence that this ever actually happened?

Strong agree.

I own a Mustang, and I’m pretty meh on this whole issue. I’ll just call it the Mustang Mock-Ery and get over it. It doesn’t make my current car any less fast, comfortable, or stylish.

I think I would be just as afraid of a 14-y/o V10 with 20k on the clock. Also, they are claiming to have done an oil change once a month? Don’t buy cars from insane people.

But under $10k for a V10... that makes it way easier to laugh about it when it inevitably explodes in under two years.

Oh great, a New Taurus X.

I am wholly unconvinced that curb-side recycling has any value. If all of that waste went to landfills, I really doubt anyone would EVER notice. Planet Money had a recent piece that dove deep into this.

Modern landfills will literally never fill up, and are great at sequestering plastic waste.

Landfills ARE environmentally friendly, Marzipan. Don’t fret.

I’ve found the angle of the lighting to matter greatly, too.
My floors look clean, until I only have light from a table lamp (or a lamp set on the floor). Then it looks awful! I notice it most often when I open the door coming in from the garage, with the low-beam headlights of my car illuminating the floor of my

Lifehacker: “PrEtenD yOUr pHoNe is dYiNG
Also Lifehacker: “Here are the affiliate links to our favorite USB travel batteries for under $20"

I’m struggling to see why I’d want one... You can get a fully loaded Mustang GT with Performance Pack Level 2 for that price, and a GT 350 or Corvette is only $10k more?

Also, why would I want the Toyota branded version anyway? I have this issue with the BRZ / FRS 86 too.