Orangecar Blackheart

I can’t argue with that! In the past 2 years I’ve flown through 6 of the top 15, and 3 of the worst 4.

Chicago’s Midway + O’Hare, Orlando, and San Antonio’s airports are so embarrassingly crappy for the millions of people traveling to and from those cities who have no better options.

That’s rich! It’s a global economy. The Jeep Cherokee is the most “American made” vehicle at 72% US-made parts.
The next THREE are Honda (Odyssey, Ridgeline, Passport).

Get a brain.

..... I love it.

2009 Harley: “Leverage the Brand” and Kill Buell “Why would anyone ride sport bikes?”
2019 Harley: “We build riders” and LiveWire 100+ HP e-Bikes...
We call that a “Tactical Retreat”

Twister Orange

Oh god yes...

RELATED: Don’t feel guilty for having NO children, never. Parenting is not mandatory. Bearing children is not mandatory.

Everyone should always be free to CHOOSE when to have children, or not! You don’t need to explain that decision to anyone. It’s a valid choice you can make.

Xsanguinator sounds like it should be a GTA version of the Mustang, build specifially to handle frequent transitions between road, curb, and crowded sidewalks.

Also good to remember that in US midterms (and primaries), <50% of eligible voters actually vote, so it’s not even possible to have a true majority mandate.

This is some kid-gloves overclocking... it is not going to hurt your PC, but it won’t do anything spectacular either.

AMD Ryzen 3000 chips will do automatically do something similar to this called “Performance Boost Overdrive”
Many Intel chips (including non-9000 series) already have this type of overclock enabled too,

This isn’t a new concept... Intel’s XTU (extreme tuning utility) has been around forever, and Ryzen Master does overclocking (including voltages) too.

First they came for the wagons, and damnit we should have stopped them then.
Then they stuck us with CVTs, with crossovers, and BLIS.
But I will drive my Circus Peanut Orange car until they pry it from my cold dead hands.

I use them to pay my taxes when the Angry Men from the IRS with the funny accents call and threaten to take me to jail. Isn’t that what they’re for? We all do this, right?

Sure, the potholes in Indy are atrocious... but where did they even get a second donut? How is that possibly cheaper than just repairing the tires? Don’t those last <100 miles? How did they lose two REAR tires, but not the fronts?

So THRILLED Indianapolis is buying from that same Chinese scam. I swear our local politicians are buying those garbage busses just to cement their lies that “mass transit won’t work in Indianapolis”

You beat me to it. Indianapolis put a whole slew of taxes in place on restaurants, hotels, rental cars, parking lots, etc - all to fund the organization that owns the local sports arenas.

Yet, the potholes are still everywhere, the schools still suck, and our local politicians prefer Uber and fucking scooters to

I love my Jabras. They give great isolation, and the “hearthrough” feature is very useful when you don’t need so much isolate.
The only issue I have is that you can only go Mono in the right ear - the left ear only connects to the right, and can’t be used alone.

Wow, I rely on uBlock Origin to keep my web browsing tolerable - this will definitely eliminate Chrome from my computer (it’s already only the backup for Firefox). I’ll have to try out Brave and New Edge too.

As a card-carrying childfree with an orange mustang, I might steal this idea...

I buy a lot of switch games. I’m not bothering with this. 

This is literally “FJ Cruiser has astronomically good resale value.” Just buy it FFS.