
Cops look for the lowest hanging fruit in terms of cars (i.e. the ones that draw the most attention for obvious modifications) or people driving like assholes. That’s how it’s always been and always will be.

Because it legal to own the car. It’s not legal to drive it. But they can’t be stopped from having it towed out of the lot.

Because a bunch of H20i idiots tried to push over a cop car and have been assaulting cops for several years now. Ocean City wants them gone.

No... someone can still own a car that is unsafe, they just can’t drive it. But they can get it towed out of the impound lot and own it all they want.

The show?? The show isn’t IN Ocean City, and if people stayed at the show they wouldn’t get ticketed.

People always talk about the ‘city making money’ off tickets but it doesn’t happen that way. The tickets are issued on a state citation and the money goes to the state. The city just hates the event (and the overtime it has to pay cops).