
I know, I loved it….I even lol'd at your recap of it

I enjoyed this episode, not quite as much as earlier ones, but enough to keep my attention from straying to Candy Crush. I think what was missing was more of the kids. I really enjoy them. Especially Zoey, with that sort of dead-eyed 'I am sooooo much cooler than you' look that seems universal with teens. I remember

Aha!!! Yes to your comment about the lack of spoilers! I just posted in a reply earlier thanking Donna and the AV commenters for their great work and knew I had forgotten something. So please count me in on Christos' thank you note AV club.

Writing from the future as well, though not marathoning it as I want to stretch out the enjoyment a bit. I sure am enjoying the great write ups too. Like you, I read them right after I watch the show, then read through the comments as well and it brings a whole new level of enjoyment to the experience. Most likely

I was thinking the same thing about Beth maybe wanting to die after all the awfulness she has seen and endured. Suicide by cop? Could be.