
My first job was at a little town library in Collinsville, Connecticut; my boss was Katherine Hepburn’s sister, Margaret, aka, Peg Perry. One day, in 10th grade, I came outside after work and there was Mrs. Perry and another woman, with red hair piled up on her head, getting out of the car. Mrs. Perry very casually

jackrabbit sex. You know that sex where it's like they're masturbating but with your vagina.

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

One of the things that this has crystallized about my own depression, something that I couldn't put words to, is the pure exhaustion of it all. I can imagine that this diagnosis would have been another weight thrown on the pile.

Having dealt with depression my whole life, I've spent a lot of time wondering what sort of new problems in my life would finally just make it not worth it any more. I guess this might have been his version of that.