
A line that I laughed at (but didn’t really understand til now) was from Jack on 30 Rock: “Ah, USC. The last bastion of America’s incompetent rich”

Call me old fashioned, but I’m more of a Miranda gal. “We didn’t work out, you need to not exist.”

I’m so glad the special made you feel that way! I was watching it expecting to laugh my ass off because I’ve seen her on Inside Amy and loved her, but I started getting emotional, too! I tweeted to her “your special made me want kick my self-confidence issues in the balls while taking life by the D!” Empowerment is

Exactly. It still terrifies me that Jerry Sandusky’s wife, Dottie, says he did nothing wrong. You wonder how many kids might have been kept safe if she (and so many people around them) weren’t so deluded or turned their heads away.

emoji praise hands

Nancy Drew and the Case of ‘I Haven’t Had A Guy in my Apartment For Weeks But My Toilet Seat Was Up This Morning’. - @obviouschild

I agree, I did a side eye to myself when I saw the cover. But on the other hand, what would our reaction be if she was in a turtleneck? VF is a little sketchy here, but everything she says is spot on. Go on girl.

My Ex moved out of our apartment very suddenly and left me with our dog. I called him a few days after and said "it's really not fair that I get the dog since we adopted him together and you should be able to see him" and he shouted at me that the apartment he had moved into (prior to us having a conversation about

She looks like Tom Brady.

"Methwolves", I just laughed out loud at work. That is just such a great word to show how bat shit crazy/bad this show has become.

I totally agree. When I saw the trailer with a Lumineers song I was like "what the what? You do know this play is incredibly, viciously sad, right?"