
FiveThirtyEight did analysis that shows movies that pass the Bechdel Test earn more per dollar spent.

The woman that ran into Ollie is Ollie's child's mother. He is not aware of the child. The unnamed woman made in appearance in the Arrow episode, "Seeing Red".

I'm certain he said Awesome Pink first because he misheard or didn't really care to know what his name is.

I imagine the scientific community would talk about quantum physics and the religious community would then posit, "But you can't truly explain it? It is beyond scientific understanding because it is supernatural." The scientist would then quote Clarke's third law, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is

Computing the possible outcomes of making Christine's baby the antichrist.

The missing baby metaphor was purposely constructed by Jill Garvey. The characters have lived two years in a world where people disappeared without explanation. People within this world constantly attach meaning to things that go missing because of that event. The show then reflects that onto the audience. The opening

The half-naked man had a dream about Christine. He knows she is pregnant and that she walks over the dead that are dressed in white.

Stray observation: