Khloe over Kim...i see war coming up
Khloe over Kim...i see war coming up
cannot star enough.
Christ, I wish it was still white with blue interior.
Hopefully the coach will be a little more specific in the future when he calls for the runs.
"Dirty uniforms, meanwhile, like all the girdles filled with blood and feces because some hits are savage enough to overpower the central nervous system, I'd put in a special bin for disposal."
Isn't involuntarily shitting your pants a symptom of pretty significant head trauma associated with concussion-like symptoms? I read an article about how this is a thing football players taking huge hits to their head do (maybe even on deadspin itself). So while we can laugh at him for shitting himself, this may…
This is the opinion of a sweatpants wearing fashion idiot, but it seems to me that, "objectively," the clothes that Alexa Chung wears are terrible. The only reason they're subjectively not terrible is because she is very thin, and cute, and "quirky" (had to swab my keyboard with alcohol after typing that word). It is…
I hope she bankrupts his amoral ass.
The photos are gorgeous, but they really went to town on the shape of her body. She is 5'2 and proud of her curves, and most of these — the white maxi dress especially— look like they put her on stilts and/or got very aggressive with retouching.
Cosby is living proof that rapists want rape, not sex. When all these incidents occurred, he could easily have gotten willing sex partners. He was personable, wealthy, reasonably attractive, famous - with just a little effort on his part, I suspect he could have had a different willing girlfriend every month, if not…
Demonizing fat people doesn't help. He's a bad fucking person, size has nothing to do with it.
Could he also be "accidentally" covered in feces? Because I think that would help.
In general I'm against the death penalty but when he goes to jail forever, if they "accidentally" forget to feed him I'm not sure I could manage to feel bad about that at all. What a degenerate.
Understand that to others, this is very real, hits very close to home, and is not about you.
And that's shitty to say, come on. This isn't just a black issue, this is a person issue, a human issue. Fuck the brutal fascist shits that make us unsafe in our streets, fuck the culture that makes those in power above reproach for violence they do to those they're supposed to protect. If this isn't about you and me…
I think she deserves the last word.