
Here’s another reason to get regular check-ups: For comparison purposes, so they know you are normal and sane BEFORE something goes wrong. Speaking from experience, you want to have a solid track record for clear thinking and no signs of hypochondria just in case you get something difficult to diagnose, like Lyme

I've lost count of how many young women and girls HAVE committed suicide after photos and videos of them - taken were uploaded and went viral.

What he did permanently affects her psyche as well as her reputation. It could have gone viral worldwide, affecting her family relationships and her job/college/marriage prospects. So, if he has a bit of permanent damage that comes with the added benefit of preventing him from doing this to some other girl, oh well.

A pox on the female studio heads who have allowed these mind-boggling gender pay gaps to continue a full fifteen years into the new millennium. It took the suffragettes less time to get us the vote, for crissakes.

Ooo. Ooo. I got it...Wine + Dried Blood = "Jesus Juice"

Jeezus Christ, did they have to bring Gloria Allred into this? I was hoping to keep the focus on Cosby. Or the victims. Or anything pertinent to his malfeasance. Darnit!

Meh. Still not even close to horrible compared to me, you, or the isolated tracks of Linda McCartney and Courtney Love.

Tig has that elusive combination of being exceptionally talented AND genuinely down-to-earth and accessible. She's special in that Robin Williams sort of way. Let's send her ALL the good vibes today.

I hope the young, pretty overqualified lass who undoubtedly typed this for Mr. Taysom had the good sense and foresight to poison his coffee.

Ballet definitely did not originate in Britain, so please add that to the cultural appropriation tally. Thanks.

Aesop's Fables will f*ck a kid up in record time. Basically, every decision potentially has dire consequences: death by scorpion sting, drowning, starvation, banishment, etc. Yikes!