
Da fuc?

I disagree. He’s a loathsome individual but a justice system built on vengeance is no justice system at all.

I just checked to be sure, and found I have no sympathy or empathy for Dr. Nassar.

🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻FUCK YOU LARRY🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

Love them both. I think they have a similar precise approach that resonates w/ me.

No love for the Veloster, especially the N?

How about just closing the fucking roof? Who does that hurt? Who does watching two good tennis players play shitty tennis benefit?

Professional athletes shouldn’t compete in 103-degree weather.

I also hope they get the same calls from their fathers, grandfathers, brothers and sons.

Let’s not call groups full of dipshits like these guys “car clubs.” Car clubs are for people who have meets in parking lots without using their cars in dangerous manners. They are clubs for people who want to meet and talk with other people about cars. They hold auto x events and track day meetups. They admire and

I had a long diatribe, but I deleted it for it being too wordy. I’ll leave this:

MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.

“It’s really bizarre because you’re doing the whole show but with literally no people”

I know there are some people that feel like any situation is worth joking about.

A good thing to see after reading/hearing all of these brave, gruesome statements:

I made so much money selling press kits on eBay, I wanted to treat myself to an E30 M3.

Fincher’s film was striking to look at, you can see all the money spent, but the original was darker, grittier and the lead was much more compelling that Mara. The second film was great too, the third notsomuch.

Now playing

At this point, every Wes Anderson film trailer looks like a parody to me. Not because they’re bad, but because he has a such a distinct style and the trailers never even try to be subtle about it. It’s always WHAM! Awkward protagonist! WHAM! Beautiful staging! WHAM! Someone mumbling a song over a ukulele! WHAM! Bill

You left out the main reason I’m looking forward to Mission Impossible 6: