My dad was driving 90+ mph in his 1978 Monte Carlo to get to the hospital as quickly as he could for my birth. Somebody passed him on I-55. He loves telling that story.
My dad was driving 90+ mph in his 1978 Monte Carlo to get to the hospital as quickly as he could for my birth. Somebody passed him on I-55. He loves telling that story.
Have cell phones made it to South Carolina yet?
Excuse me, would you kindly shut your whore mouth?
Even celebrities pump their own goddam gas.
I really hate gamers sometimes.
But have you lived in Colorado? It has the horrible driving habits of every state, compounded by ice and snow and road grades as high as 9.4%
Unlike the Pittsburgh teams of recent years, this Tampa team is just impossible to hate. They are so much fun to watch, and to my knowledge none of their four Russian star players (seriously though, it feels weird just typing that) have committed to that bullshit pro-Putin team that Ovi started. Damnit Ovi, I wanted…
People in Texas don’t know how to drive in the rain. Or in the sun. Or at all really. Of all the states I’ve lived in, the drivers here really are the worst (and I’ve even lived in Georgia).
They should stack up the wrecked cars on their lawn like bloody heads on a spike as a ruthless and savage example to outsiders.
are you sure
What you can’t see is that the tech is not wearing pants.
This is what’s known as the Alex Burrows effect.
Noise is better theatre, which is ultimately what racing is. Engineering prowess is fascinating, but unless it’s also entertaining, it doesn’t help sell the show.
Because people see headlines that say “Driverless Uber car involved in crash” and fail to read the rest of the story. They conclude autonomous vehicles are unsafe.
Good one! Me too.
Well, just inherit money, go to med school, open your own successful practice with multiple locations. Then live in an area with a wealthy population (to pay for your services) but cheap real estate (so you have room for buildings to keep your toys).
That sounds like a life I desperately need.
Where is Koenigsegg while all this is happening? You expect me to believe an Agera R can't keep up with Bugatti and SSC with almost 800HP per ton? Does he just not care?