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    Had I seen this post earlier, I absolutely would have posted this. Glad I’m not the only one to think to do it.

    Ah... well then... lol

    Thanks Jerry!

    Great article, and thank you CWO Triantos for all of that awesome photography and video, and most especially for serving your nation.


    True story...

    Really glad he survived. Had this been at Teahupoo, he very well may have died. That’s really intense.


    I also have terminal Rey-n-Space withdrawal... After seeing it for the 3rd time, she is definitely my favorite character.

    Right. As if George RR Martin writes any more.

    I totalled it up. It’s roughly $10.25million (not including the track and museum). If I take the annual sum (not the lump), I’d still have roughly $16.5m left over for the year, assuming I bought all of these at once.

    I’ve thought about this for a long time. A long hard time.

    It was the same the year prior when I was in Italy as well. I took pictures of the places I was, not of myself in those places. I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.

    I don’t. I live an California. I’ve realized this through various other comments (which you should definitely read through ;D).

    That’s rough. My sister is a Marriage and Family therapist. Parents have never smoked anything a day in their lives. Brother in law is an EMT. All my best friends have never touched drugs ever. Maybe even smoked, for that matter.

    I work in the finance industry, and this is absolutely something I would do. My $14K gifts to the people whom I want to give them to would be initial gifts, just like a “hey, I love you. Here is $14k”, and then I would absolutely set up secured notes under trusts which would limit the amount of money available to them

    Six, apparently! Delaware, Kansas, Maryland, North Dakota,Ohio and South Carolina :)

    My family is pretty cool. They wouldn’t tell anyone if I requested them to. But, my name goes into public record, so it would happen anyway. But that’s why I move immediately, and then become a hermit for a year so everyone forgets, and then I reappear magically forgotten, with the majority of my wealth intact, and no

    Danke. Student loans I figured into my debt (as I am currently a student again at the age of 29). But yeah, my parents house would get built at no cost to them, so that way they could just enjoy their retirement instead of pinching pennies like they may have to.

    If I win 1.3BILLION dollars, I think it’s okay to give them all $14,000.00 a year. Pretty sure I could swing that.