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    Thanks, Jeff! I will definitely be taking the MSF course, and I have already resolved to taking the MSF Advanced course. I honestly will take as many motorcycles courses as I possibly can in order to advance and become more experienced with the help of others.

    Sweet Moses that sounds terrifying haha

    Thanks Devon! I’m in Orange County, right down the street from Triumph of Brea, so I know OC and LA fairly well :P

    Ha! Thank you for being direct and to the point, catzo5. And for your example. I do appreciate it.

    Ha! Thank you, DrStigsAlternateCousin. I’m going to go look at helmets this weekend, since I have never tried one on, and have no idea what fits my head (I am hoping schuberths fit my head for a future purchase :P), and I think everything will fall into place from there :D

    Bahahaha! “You know, like meth”. You win mjensenwv, you win.

    Thank you!

    Very true. And who knows what the current gen of Vipers is going to be like by the time I can afford to think about purchasing one. Maybe I’ll do the DeMurro thing and buy one for a year and then get rid of it :P

    Thank you so much, Ninjagin. Seriously. Thank you. I will keep all your words in mind.

    Oh, trust me, there is no way in hell I will ever buy a used helmet. That is the one piece of gear that I will always purchase new, and it is the first piece of equipment I will buy. I actually sent Sean MacDonald a tweet yesterday asking about the best brick and mortar stores near me so I can go try on helmets and

    What a beauty of a cafe!!! It’s so clean. I love it. Love the exposed air filter too. That is seriously one looker of a bike.


    It is definitely something I have to do at least once, you know? Maybe I won’t be a biker for life like Jerry, but maybe I will? Who knows? I won’t, not until I try.

    HAHA! Sub COTD vote.

    Also... I’m at the end of my quarter of school, and I have 2 weeks off... going to go take the MSF course in my off time maybe :P

    Thank you!

    I’m far more concerned about safety than I am looking cool.

    I drive roughly 20K miles a year, and my commute daily is 40+ miles. I’d have my care, so I wouldn’t be putting a TON on an older bike if I got one, obviously.

    That is a problem, and a problem I would actually really love to have. Haha

    That’s the thing, there is no hesitation now. There has been in the past when I was actually more able to pull the trigger on it than I am currently. I have no place to store the bike except outdoors in a driveway. I have no real money to put down on a motorcycle at the moment.