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    Phantom’s are a very close second in my affections behind the F16

    Tyson hit this photo right on the nose with this one.

    All of the yes with this one. I have always absolutely loved the F16.


    Ugh... Duh. Thank you. I knew it felt wrong coming off of my tongue fingers.

    Ha! I can respect that, and I fully understand it! One of the reasons why I love Jalopnik so much.

    ...or this one. I’m a huge sucker for pin stripes.

    10/10 would have in this scheme.

    Not going to lie, Torch. I see this article pop up, and immediately think, “...it can’t be THAT slow of a day in the Jalopnik office that this article is popping up, is it?”

    Dis. Dis is purty.

    So. Much. Yes.

    I am very glad to see them working on this and that it wasn’t shelved. I didn’t think it would be, but I took it with a pinch of salt on the off chance it was going to be.

    UGH. YES. I love this thing so much. So so much. This shot makes it look so mean.

    100% agree with you. Those who placed orders and had them canceled, should get their orders ahead of those who ordered the 2016 model. Shoving them to the back of the queue is a complete asshat move on Dodge’s part, and they will absolutely lose a lot of those orders.

    Oh damn I totally missed that early. Very well deserved!!

    I was definitely most interested in the comparison between the Africa Twin and the BMW1200GS. I may not own a bike yet, but I sure as hell am going to own an “adventure” bike. I love the BMW (it’s really hard not to, I think), and I’ve read up on the heritage of the Africa Twin, so I’ve been very interested in the

    Seriously... These BOTH need to be COTD... COTD THIS SHIT RAT NAOW

    This grill shape is iconic for BMW, and that is the reason it is there. If it’s not there, it’s not a BMW/

    I wish I knew haha

    I love my last gen Lancer. It’s such a great looking car.