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    You know, I thought they were, but I didn’t want to mis-name them, and look a fool. Thank you! This was my first year watching the full race. I’ve always caught glimpses/recaps, but I made sure to watch it this year. I think I watched 21 or so of the 24 hours. 18 of which were straight.

    I think I’m going to plan on that being my vacation now. I don’t have one planned for this year (I went to Germany and drove on the Nordschliefe last year!), so I think if I want to go to Le Mans next year, I can start saving now, and just make that the plan.

    I can’t say that I’m not suspect of that being a possibility, but I do hope you eat your words. I want it to succeed. I really, really do.

    I’ve been an Avalanche fan since they came over from Quebec (Colorado Native).

    Could not agree with you anymore. He’s a great leader, and absolutely a class act. He’ll definitely go down in history as one of the greats.

    I really cannot wait for Nissan to get their GTR Nismo’s up and running where they want them to be. I’m glad they got so much seat and test time in, because I freaking love the look of the car, and the fact that they had the balls to run a front wheel drive car was fantastic. I was definitely saddened that they

    The most impressive part of that was far and away the fast corners right before the Ferris Wheel came into view. The speed at which those P1 cars travel through those corners is MIND boggling. I loved it when we would get camera shots from that section of the track from the side and see the P1 cars go through there.

    BAHAHAHA! I just realized it’s actually called the Warthog. I’ve watched too much Red vs. Blue hahahaha

    SAMSIES! Though... I think you got your answer in a minute before I did.

    Okulski is gone, bruh. Miata is no longer the answer, bruh!

    The Halo Puma Warthog.

    This is the best thing I have seen all freaking day hahaha.

    A la Mr. Pink:

    Stef, you get all of the +1’s for this sentence:

    Since Foxsports isn’t showing it right now, I suggest doing what I am doing, which is listen to Radio Le Mans, and watch the Foxsports.com Corvette love feed at the same time. It's great.

    I officially declare June 12, 2015 SkayDay.

    I love every single shot of this thing so far, but this has to be my favorite... and I can’t rightly tell you why.

    He really is the best personality in motor racing right now, I think. Him and Daniel Ricciardo in F1.

    That’s why I said “Go Jordan” and not “Go Corvette Racing” ;)

    Go Jordan!!