That's fucking brilliant. You can't even spell something that's RIGHT THERE IN THE IMAGE.
That's fucking brilliant. You can't even spell something that's RIGHT THERE IN THE IMAGE.
First there is nothing to laugh at because it's a stupid joke, only idiots laugh at a stupid joke, second .. if PTSD and people who suffer PTSD aren't the target of this joke then enlighten us Mr-know-it-all what this genius joke/comic is really about.
There are things that deserve being laughed at, there are things that are absurd, wrong or plain stupid and by all means parody and laugh at them all you want, but having to deal with PTSD isn't one of them.... same as child rape, there is no point to such stupid jokes other than being offensive, becauae some idiot…
I'd like to see you tell an old friend who's clearly been changed by an experience that causes PTSD to "suck it up and move on."
HEY GUYS ISN'T POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER FUNNY? HAH! Look at all them solders, remembering how their friends died. That's so funny! More comics making light of psychological trauma, please!
Whilst I agree with your statement, it doesnt always fly. Ie. a Holocaust-joke would be considered in poor taste in general, as would a rape-joke or cancer-joke.'s as if we arent laughing at the comic, but pointing and laughing at PST victims themselves..
Yeah, IDK. I get the joke, but I was more uncomfortable than amused.
I'd have just clicked the option to dismiss your comment, but you need to know something. The phrase "get over it" has been used so many times in the direction of people who suffer from horrible mental disorders from depression to OCD to schizophrenia to pretty much everything else, and the implication—intentional or…
Yeah. Specifically, my buddy has mentioned how sudden noises (like the fireworks depicted in the comic) can send him into a panic induced violent reaction, which is problematic if it's just the kids being noisy. He's getting help and doing better...but I don't think he'd find humor in the comic. And for him, neither…
If you cannot see how this is a joke using PTSD as the punchline, perhaps that's why it seems we're coming from completely different universes on this issue.
Here's the thing: When someone goes to a comedy show to see stand-up or improv—or what have you—they know what they're walking into. Some comedians are known for being very "clean," others for being "raunchy" or "racist." Kotaku is known for being a games editorial—not a PTSD editorial. Since we have to assume that…
There's no way the moderators will ban you for trying to educate someone as ludicrously, almost laughably, insensitive as him. So please continue commenting.
As you said yourself, "if it doesn't impact me, I don't give a fuck."
And here I was wondering what kind of person would post the kind of ridiculous thinking you've demonstrated. Well, now we have the answer.
Agreed wholeheartedly. It's one of the reasons people don't make jokes about sexual assault (aside from such jokes being in incredibly poor taste).
"If one thing is off limits everything is off limits."
No one is saying they need to be outlawed—certainly not I. Nice straw man though.
Yeah, as someone with PTSD, this poor taste joke pulled me out of lurking. This is a giant slap in the face to anyone who has had their life ruined by PTSD for a cheap laugh. Worse yet, making light of a serious but unseen condition is undermining efforts currently underway to try and help people understand how…