
This. It’s also the one aspect of consent I’ve always struggled with: when both people are shit faced, who is responsible? Neither person was in control of their behavior. DeMario’s narrative is that she sat on his face, not that he forced himself on her.

Totally agree— it really distracts from the unnecessary fillers and work she’s had done. She looks great!

Camo jogging pants and a camo bra/sports bra thingy is not new. At all. How can you bite a design that already exists? I guess the court will make that determination. And for the sake of the designer I hope it goes well for her. But I don’t see any sort of original concept here.

I dunno...he looks like an unscented antiperspirant kinda guy. My bet would be clean laundry and soap.

There was literally a moment when he was walking in the room that I thought, “Wait, is Comey kind of hot?” I think it was the height thing. But then he said his age and I was like, “Aghh, he’s almost as old as my parents, no, no, no.”

The most important take away: Trump does not give two fucks about about the fact that Russia hacked, and is hacking, our elections. He isn’t asking about it, doesn’t care about it and his only concern relating to it is finding out who the leakers are.

Obama Care victims... Dafuq?

I will no longer be watching RHOC. I will miss Heather. I do not like Kelley’s actions and her disgusting mouth. She is an embarrassment for women

I’ve already decided I’m out. Keeping Kelly, bringing back the boring Lydia, and no FancyPants = crossing it off my watch list.

What I love are the people who voted for him because they thought he “told it like it is” and thought he was more honest than HRC, but when it comes to ending ACA or pulling out of the Paris Accord, well, we didn’t think he meant that. They’re either stupid, fucking hypocrites, or the sort of people who would vote for

It never gets old:

Is it a good argument though? He might be too dumb to remember and pass on critical details but just the existence of said intelligence could greatly narrow down where Russia (or Iran who they are friends with) looks for more info.

Is this finally it??? Can this please be the beginning of the end? I’m totally dying for the day the universe rights itself and this orange fuckhead gets the boot. Then I go the closest bar I can find, drop $20 in the jukebox, play “FDT” on repeat, and proceed to get sloshed in the name of sweet, sweet liberty.

I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?

He can’t bear, even for a second, the idea that he isn’t 100% “the man in charge.” Even in a case where any logical person would try to distance themselves from this mess 45 is like “No, fuck you. I’m the one who made the call. I decided to fire him with no good reason.”

For sure. Everyone parents differently. I was just putting in my two cents that I would not personally instruct my children to follow around an adult and demand an apology when they were accidentally bumped into. This is a comment section, and I was simply commenting.

I think the commenter meant that kid in class who “helped” the teacher by telling them how to do their job.

4. Sean Spicer yelled that Comey was fired into the hall so reporters would overhear and break the story. This was followed by Spicy hiding in the bushes to avoid real questions from media.