
Right. I actually am a high school teacher and I am nauseated by how eager the kids can be to trump up every possible incident into some egregious offense. Or to just make things up. I have a 9th grade boy who falsely accuses me of farting and then proceeds to pretend to choke on my nonexistant butt gas.

I thought the kid was extremely bratty, I really cannot enjoy this incident. I am still mortified that Trump and Pence are in office, but I think that the issue here is a kid being a jackass, not Pence being a jackass.

AND the goddamned way that she pronounces everything completely accent-less until she hits an Italian word...then it’s all so frigging theatrical.

I have absolutely no sane reason why, but...

That “dancing while eating cotton candy” sketch was great, and a lot of it rode on the expression on his face - just utter excitement and delight, all the way through. He really committed, and that’s what it needed.

Eh. I’m one of those people that doesn’t think sugar is bad anyhow. I drink fresh veg/fruit juice every morning before my workout and it gives me a heck of a lot more energy with than without. I’m okay with sugar.

Aw hell, it’s been 13 years since we’ve had any restrictions on buying firearms. Let alone since Sandy Hook.

This. Thanks to conservatives and the NRA, the gun debate was over the day after Sandy Hook when people decided that a bunch of dead kids once in a while was worth it so they could keep their precious, precious guns.

I guess the NRA won’t be happy until every white American is required to carry around an assault rifle at all times.

Are you really that amazed? I mean, really?

On top of all this, sharks don’t have hands so they use their mouths to feel things (it’s kinda hard to be delicate while doing this with a mouthful of pointy teeth though). Also sharks don’t want to eat humans. We have more bones than their digestive tracts can handle. Shark attacks are more “slightly chewed and spat

The fact that he still refers to the ban as “the ban” is really not going to help his case in court, is it?

You literally put “courage” in condescending quotation marks. Hardly anyone “defended her without question” the way you’re suggesting. Defending her right to basic respect is not the same thing as defending her character.

She should be shown respect, and she should not be misgendered, and it does indeed take courage to come out (especially as a public figure). Those things are still true. She can both be criticized for her bigoted/ignorant views and also be given basic human respect—those things are not mutually exclusive.

Who else would he blame? Did he harass those women with someone else’s body?

I don’t really know why I dislike her so much but I do it must have been all the schlock she did, or was that Natalie Portman I always get them confused.

proud of my babe.

I don’t care what anyone says, I love Kim Kardashian. I have probably seen like 5 episodes of her show and much of what I know about her is from sites like these, but I really think she is hilarious and a cool person. She’s been around forever and honestly no one seems to ever have anything truly bad to say about her.

Counterpoint - divorce is super expensive and complicated, plus your spouse has rights to all sorts of stuff beyond just your citizenship. If you wouldn’t want someone making difficult medical decisions for you, don’t marry them.

Congrats on the new rug rat!! My brother and I were 10 years apart, but him being a man child and me being a little adult we got along really well.