
I have always told her that we aren’t talking about a RELIGIOUS definition of marriage, but a legal one. She doesn’t really seem to understand the difference. But you see the same attitude when people talk about freedom of religion, they really only mean freedom for white christianity. It is something I have never

I have a very conservative friend (who I love very much and respect her right to be an idiot sometimes), that talks about how gay marriage isn’t in the bible and she doesn’t have a problem with them having civil unions but according to the bible marriage is between a man and a woman...and she has been divorced.

Cool cool...maternity coverage is totally just for women’s benefit too. Like a man has nothing to do with getting a woman pregnant so why the fuck should he have to “pay for that”? Preventative care helps decrease the rate of abortion but let’s just make it harder to get an abortion instead of increasing services that

UGH his face makes me crazy! I know I shouldn’t judge people on their looks, but he has a terrible personality made worse by his terrible face...so sue me.

Came here for the Simba gifs and was not disappointed.

I really have no idea what that is supposed to mean. The environment we live in is causing global warming? The ocean water is causing global warming? Our living in the ocean is causing it?

Ugh!! Maybe Obama has a little more insight into how to deal with hostile governments and realized that there are other Americans being held and popping off about one of them would possibly result in injury to all of them?? I hate the Trump family so much.

This makes me so very sad and so very angry. The ONLY reason this poor kid was sent home was to die, so that the DPRK didn’t have to be the ones to pull the plug, a dead American in their prison camp is not something they wanted to deal with. Even though he was unwise to travel to North Korea (and spare me, we get

It looks like he’s trying to hard to enunciate his words so he can be understood but it looks very forced.

I love that video!! I’ve sent to to many people! :)

I absolutely agree that the only party really to blame here is the production for not stepping in. But I have seen to much of the guy being blamed or called a predator or people talking about how he assaulted her, and with the limited information I have so far, I am not comfortable with that. I have seen a few

Good point!

I haven’t seen that account, only the reports that after a day of drinking the two began to hookup and eventually moved to the pool. Do you have a link to the producer’s account?

So then, if this girl, blacked out and super wasted, was really grinding on him and “put her genitals on his mouth”, she assaulted him? Does this situation really feel that black and white to you?

I mean, there’s obviously a line - say one person was drunk and the other was literally unconscious - we can put fault on the drunk party for continuing sexual activity on a person who is non-responsive.

I really do always wonder in situations like this - when both parties are clearly intoxicated, how do you decide who the burden of obtaining consent falls on? I have no answer. Wouldn’t the fault lie both ways, if anywhere? Neither are in a state to validly give or recognize consent. How do you put one party to


 Yea that was Congressmen who was on CNN’s take - the shooter had a better gun than the police and he didn’t have a weapon to protect himself.

He’s been watching too much South Park

Yes!! It makes her look like a normal late 20's early 30 something - not like a washed up child star trying to hold on to fame. Her long hair ages her face so much!