I’m sure his only way of memorializing this day will be to rally against Muslims and shout about the need for his travel ban from Twitter :/
I’m sure his only way of memorializing this day will be to rally against Muslims and shout about the need for his travel ban from Twitter :/
I am a manager at a sales organization and every year someone gets fired for some drunken stupidity at our annual sales retreat. You would THINK adults know better, but they do not. Every year, we remind the reps about the guy/gal who got fired for their behavior the prior year(s), and warn them to not be “that guy”,…
Honestly, his whole “I don’t know her” schtick is a bit obnoxious. “I am under no obligation to hug someone I do not know personally, regardless of their level of fame” is sufficient. He doesn’t need to put her down or explain why he doesn’t know her to justify not hugging her.
I think the height, the intelligence, and the confidence he displayed today shifted me towards hot older dude. Like in my day to day I wouldn’t be like yeah Comey!! raaawwwwrr...but on the topic of attractive older gentlemen, he deserves a spot on the list.
Leave it to Trump to transform Comey from a piece of shit who cost Hillary the election to some kind of patriotic hero. Good on him for telling his friend to take that to the media so that this investigation could get the kick in the ass it needed to be taken as seriously as it needed to be. And listening to him talk…
I worked at William Morris in the music department from 2006-2007, and Cosby’s booking agent had no clients other than him. To pretend that Tom didn’t have some idea of what was going on is ridiculous, and it makes me really sad because there were so many young girls like myself that rotated through those offices that…
Kelly is bringing me close to the reason I stopped watching the NJ franchise - it got too ugly. That was a real family with some real SERIOUS ISSUES, and I just did not feel okay watching it for entertainment anymore. I have seen people be the bad guy on reality TV before to play up the drama, but I really think that…
One of my friends on Facebook posted a link to an article about this and wrote “I just don’t understand..” and there are a bunch of people commenting under it that are like OMG I know I never thought Trump would do this when I voted for him...
I don’t understand why anyone, let alone someone speaking for the president, would feel the need to lie about something SO STUPID. If you are willing to lie about a typo, I can’t imagine there is anything you wouldn’t lie about. This whole administration is run by three year olds.
I was coming to say the same! Every time she is anywhere with him she looks at him like that and it is so disturbing. Like she wants to crawl inside his skin. Bleh
I have been really curious over the past few days how long it will be until he finally starts speaking out. I can’t imagine he is willing to go down with this ship and destroy any political future he had. But if he doesn’t start talking soon, he is going to be completely guilty by association, if not complicit in any…
It’s like “Sean Spicer” said on SNL - Trump did nothing wrong cause he told us so and then paid a law firm to agree with him. Nothing to see here folks, case solved. Move along...
Completely not relevant to this topic but she looks like she crawled out of Whoville and I can’t get over it.
I had my first son at 22 and am pregnant again now with my second son at 32 almost 33. I am obviously way more financially and emotionally prepared for baby now that I am older, but HOLY SHIT the toll it is taking on my 10 year older body. Maybe I just forgot how hard pregnancy is in the last decade, but also, I am…
While there has always been an element of fear for me with Trump being president, it seems that very quickly things have changed from haha what a fucking moron to oh my god he’s going to get people killed. How much more of this do we have to suffer through? What is the line anymore??
I watch a good amount of TV (I am pregnant and limited in activity right now), and I don’t think I have seen a single trailer for this movie. Or, if I have, it was so forgettable that I feel like I haven’t seen one. I keep seeing articles about the movie but I really just had no idea it was a thing.
Nope, I graduated in the top 10 of my high school class of over 900 students, with a full IB diploma and a half tuition scholarship to the college I went to. This wasn’t about manners, following someone around who barely brushed your face with their sleeve demanding an apology is actually pretty rude. And dramatic.…
Yeah, even as much as I hate Pence and Trump and everything they stand for, I could not enjoy this. The kid was being a dramatic little shit. It didn’t even look like contact was made. This is not a kid I would want my kid around. This is the kid that tells the teacher she forgot to collect the homework.
I am torn about this series. Personally, I thought it was very well done and to me what really stood out was the impact that Hannah’s suicide had on those she left behind. I didn’t see it as some revenge fantasy, I saw it as a girl who had been hurt explaining why she did what she did and seeing the reactions of those…
This sketch finally made me sign up for Hulu and start watching the series. I had been thinking about it for a while but have a ton of other shows to finish, but this pushed me over the edge into watching it.