
Who cares about Dick Clark - has RuPaul voiced an opinion?

I heard “Closing time” by that 90s asshole singer (i refuse to remember is name right now) a zillion time at the start of my shift everyday during my awful Staples era. Fuck that song.

These books might help! I used to be involved with a support group for folks with family with personality disorders, and these were some of the more popular titles. They offer coping techniques and support strategies for when you go full no-contact with her.

Wheats the difference between in laws and outlaws ?

That’s a great goal. I expect WAY too much of myself and it can cause me to stagnate.

I’m going to walk my dogs more. They look so happy when we’re out together.

That’s very similar to my 2017 goal. I’m trying to stop myself from giving up on things too soon if they’re not perfect on the first try. I’m going to allow myself to make mistakes and get frustrated and come back to it. I like “progress not perfection.” Hope it works out well for you!

With his hands and the lady behind him... and the overall whiteness of the crowd, you could replace the audio with something like christian rock and it would still fit.

Please, I love me some Phish, but they WISH they were as great as XTC.

Exactly. Like, yeah, I know I pay nearly four figures to live in a converted dining room...

Cornier than a podiatrist’s office in Boca Raton.

It’s not about a ghost in the sky. It’s about finding strength, cleaning house, and helping others. If you do those things, however you find them, you can get better. (And I, for one, put my higher power in a couple of pill bottles - do they make me feel better? Yes. Do I fully understand them? No. Do they make it

Thank you. I’m an ACoA left handed 6 ft tall red head, and Ive found Alanon very very helpful. Take the meat and leave the bones!

I’m an atheist in AA who goes to meetings that are principally filled with other atheists and agnostics who have very figurative and unique conceptions of their higher powers not founded in any sort of dogmatic religion. Different programs and different solutions work for different people. I’m happy people no matter

In my corner of the upper Midwest, people call that stuff “funeral meat” because it gets served at the post funeral lunches (alongside numerous “salads” and cakes provided by the church ladies, of course). Though when you think of the other things funeral meat could be, ham salad doesn’t look so bad.

In the U.S., white culture is “culture.”

are you joking right now? do you genuinely believe people need to submit to your character assessments before they can engage in a discussion on a public forum? do you have a handy form assembled to streamline the process for us? make whatever assumptions about a person you want, but we dont owe you shit, bud. youre

Someone posted this the first time the story came up...

But really, who is good enough for Rihanna?