
So if the Chinese will own Dodge does that mean we stop seeing Charger police cars on the road? Would seem a bit odd for State/US governments to be buying from the Chinese government...

Nope. Bone stock. Just need a good driver.

Wrong. How time has forgotten what GM’s plastic fantastic could do.

I’m sure this is a damn fine rental spec car but let’s not over sell it here.

5% a year raise? I’m not sure weather to be upset at the supposed actions of the dealership or at myself for thinking that’s a pretty good deal for a lot of people...

I paid for the seat. I’m reclining. If you pay for my seat then you can tell me what to do with it. End discussion.

Don’t shake my hand you filthy animals, this goes double for hugs and exponentially so if you have kids. Disease ridden germ spreaders, the lot of you.

Again some don’t live in homes where you can easily plug this thing in to an outlet.

I fully agree. I love the choice. The problem is everyone talks like that choice is rapidly going away and we’re in some electric car utopia.

At home where? Am I supposed to drag a couple extension cords out into the parking lot? If you don’t have a house or live near a parking garage with outlets/charging stations I’m not seeing how I can easily refuel this thing.

I have no doubt the revolution is coming but it ain’t today. Gas is still king.

Oh definitely that’s one of their great bonuses. Way easy to tweak and tune.

Problem is trap speed doesn’t lie and most of these golden age muscle cars were barely breaking 100mph in the 1/4. So sure better tires might get the 60' down, Maybe on a perfect day with a perfect launch get them into the 13's which don’t get me wrong is plenty quick but it doesn’t hold a candle to what a modern

80's Firebird post!? This looks like a poor excuse to post up a pic of the Notchback GTA I owned.

Amen. I love my GM garbage tier plastic filled pile of fun. I’ll never get rid of it.

Wrong. I eat Taco Bell sober. Take that ‘better decisions’!

I have no issues with the march of progress, it’s the heavy handed forcing of this march that makes me nervous.  

To use these horses and steam-engine analogies everyone keeps using, neither of those were outright banned. I’m pretty sure you can own and operate both. If the transition to all electric, self-driving

Good news is those things are still retained. Nobody is stopping you from having either of those. Though the gas-lit lamp might be a harder sell to your local HOA...

I have no issues with the march of progress here, though I do have a problem with heavy handed government intervention said march. Horses and gas-lit

Glad they took so long to throw that yellow out. They knew what they were doing there. It was getting dark and everyone just wanted the race fucking over at that point.

Seems fine to me. In one article we all laugh and praise that you can buy an ELR for half off MSRP. Now we’re angry you have to pay well over sticker for something?

Humans are such fickle irrational creatures.

Wheels look horrible. Everything else is meh.