
I actually really like the bolt and I’m sure I’ve overlooked the answer to this but I still have the universal electric car problem of where the fuck do I reliably re-fuel this thing? I don’t have a house to plug it into and any type of charging network is medicore at best around here, nor do I have the time to sit

Don’t do this thing or you’ll die. OK, whatever....

Feel sad for this person that did that thing. OK, whatever...

I LOVE this car and I 100% understand why it didn’t come this way but for the MSRP it should have had the new engine and transmissions in them. LS3 and a six speed? I can find those in cars a lot older and a lot cheaper.

Now, with that pedantry out of the way. I’d still totally rock one today if it was in the cards.

I guarantee they don’t have enough insurance to cover all that.

I know a guy who trades in his truck for a new one every time it needs new tires. I’m not sure how that works out financially but if you’ve got the money to burn or get stellar deals...whatever keeps your vehicle safe.

Silly proles, when will you learn. When you own the means of production you can simply make more.

I’m confused. They lost 25% of their workforce? Did Texas finally secede from the union?

Oh nevermind... It’s just a terrible headline...

Hell I’ll settle for hideaway headlights. They don’t even have to pop up.

Haha or pry up my cold dead headlights because the #$^!& plastic gears stripped again...

Screw the pedestrians! you can pry my pop up headlights from my cold dead hands.

10/10 would drive the heck out of “El Muertorider”.

So the manual has been relegated to sporty cars. No longer does Joe and Jane Blow have to learn how to drive a manual to get anywhere.

The question is, does this make everyone worse off? were we at large better drivers because we once had to know how to drive stick or have we generally always sucked at driving?

I want

Phew, thank the great sky wizard we have these dealerships protecting us from the mean ol’ car manufacturers...

So they took a heavy car and added more weight to it with an AWD drivetrain and then stuck it with a v6.

Sounds like a hell of a pig to me.

Tough call on this one. I say let her off with some community service and probation. Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way not to steal other peoples shit. You don’t know the stress or burden it can/does place on them.

aaaand they clad it in black plastic to appease the CUV addicts... I’m out.

Answer: If the woman was four times his size and wearing a suit of armor? Which is about as equivalent as I can figure your silly comparison is, then yes.

Unless that guy on the bike was actually the terminator.. Then by all means try and crush him.

Wait, so this is a 300 HP mini wagon? We’re good with this right? Why Should I not be excited for this?

Besides the ugly taillights of course...

You mean you look forward to when it’s posted in an estate sale after the snap oversteer kills him.