Obscurity Knocks

Eagle Boys or GTFO

I am literally losing a fight with my six year old over the merits of Pizza Hut crust vs home made right now. I hope he isn't being given editorial control of the AV Club or we will have words.

I too would worship the shit out of that pope

Oh God, I love the classics.

Bravo! *hurls flowers onto the stage*

I know right? But then I saw '3 pandering sluts' so you can imagine my dilemma.

Blasphemy laws ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well now I have to change my twitter handle to 'vile secularist'.

Sounds like tedious horseshit, but fill your boots I guess.

*sweatily considers who is trolling whom in this conversation before posting snark*

* chuckles nervously while awaiting secret service interrogation *

Me. Very much me.

And to you!

People probably could have formed a considered opinion of the administration had put any effort into actually communicating its advantages and disadvantages. Seems like a few weeks of internecine horse trading was all they could be bothered with. And the CBO said it would substantially reduce coverage of course.


The same Mr Nunes that has never heard of Carter Page or, God help me, Roger Stone? He doesn't really inspire much confidence.

It is important to be politically engaged.

How does that relate to his twice repeated specific accusation that a sitting president wiretapped him at a point in time at a nominated place?

Or it could be a bust like the birther nonsense.

If he has genuinely exculpatory material ( and this seems vanishingly improbable) it's a curious strategy to allow your signature legislative proposal be drowned out by a chorus of public ridicule. Then again, I have not been on a popular reality show or convinced people to vote for in large numbers, so there's that.