Time to bring the creeps down.
Time to bring the creeps down.
O’Reilly called the Times’ story a “smear piece” that only serves to discredit and “embarrass” him.
“I want to set the record straight! I’m getting sick and tired of this so called politician using my husband as a political platform,” the fake post read before it was taken down.
No worries it hasn’t been what it used to be since Hogan got help from Peter Theil and Gawker broke apart. Thanks WIFE.
Sad to see General Kelly defend a grown man that was elected president, and have to explain what he thinks he meant to say. Mr Trump had a history of being crude and insulting before he ran for office . During the presidential race he reiterated himself by attacking any one that did not agree with him and has not…
What is the tittle of the episode.
Take the good and side step or circumvent, the other two as best you can.
He needs the funds to defend his family and political cronies. They are all having to hire legal help to protect themselves from questionable actions.
Beware of alt right groups trying to incite confusion and other things, stay home go to voting polls. Don’t waste your time on politicians that want to line their pockets with money. They are worse than false prophets.
Wouldn’t it be surreal if these weather related events along with the rest of 45's faux pas some how turn the tide on the 2020 election. It’s so sad to see so many suffer. We have no idea what mother nature is going to bring us during the next three years that will possibly change the thought of possible global…
Birth control a water supply and food.