I’m sure the service provider will remind him and every one else the content of the text.
JONES could be raking in more money working for Putin.
They wanted to make sure he didn’t fall on his face and have to pay for any workmen s compensation claims. He may need face reconstruction so he won’t have to hide the rest of his life.
I believe you Ludwig von Siegfried
What an excuse, the RUSKIES new what the hell they were doing. They were played like inept amateur sluts to see if they could get any entertainment out of them. They Russians are professional Fluffers.
He din’t hang around long enough to learn from the best and greatest Loose Cannon Bannon and the Master of the Art of The Deal.
He shoot himself in the MOOCHIES, self inflected wound for acting like a jackass and shinning brighter than Trump himself.
Is auto gratification out the question.
Will the MOOCHES talents be of any use, in future roles in the White House administration.
the DERANGED man is gone
MOOCH You’re too deranged even for a trumptard, and that’s saying something. Repeating that same irrelevant verbal diarrhea ad nuseum (look it up) won’t make your orange master look any better. Get help.
Wouldn’t it be a kick in the ass if he wound up getting arrested that they bump his head and not get treated so nicely. For him to mention let alone suggest such is totally wrong and inappropriate.
“No good legislation ever comes out of Washington after June.” In 1970, after a string of agonizing summer sessions, Congress gave itself an August recess as part of the Legislative Reorganization Act, but both houses are free to keep working if they feel they must.
“Has any one checked trumps ass for Scaramucci’s lip imprints”
They navigate their way thru their daily activities with their smart phone.