
Tony Scaramucci is like a smooth talking gigolo.

He is just going to deliver Trump sugar coated views. Like a pretty little Gigolo

Dated March 5, 2015

What is thirty days to a criminal . Some of them are looking for free room an board and some one to take their responsibilities. On the other hand if you are going to release a offender with a long term sentence for severe child abuse battering or murder, would we want them reproducing if they are still fertile and

That’s like offering a starving person a few bread crumbs to eat.

A implant is not considered sterilization. There have been women that had their tubes tied and tried to reverse it. some being successful while other have had problems. They can not guarantee success to 100% tubal legations..

Not all rapists are poor. I am sure I can find you some habitual criminals rapists and others convicted of other crimes.

I believe you are correct but it only applies to forced procedures or if it’s done against some ones will with out their consent and knowledge. E.g. If some one was having done another procedure under general anesthetic and they find out later. I only know of one state that did that , NC is currently paying living

Isn’t he trying to cut federal funds to planned parenthood clinics from being able to provide abortions if they also do abortions. Not according to the orange head mop head. He want’s to cut out all unnecessary federal expenses. I believe he also wants to overturn the right of a woman to free choice.

If the word is out on such a sensitive issue about pardoning staff and Trump family members. On any wrong doing for the matters into possible Russian collusion tied to the election and any business ties to Russian money into the Trump organization. Should we feel safe with the White house legal staff that is supposed

You forgot !! a picture of the shoes.

The elite rich don’t wear sandals, and make sure they are silk boxers


He has depended on teamwork from his pool of attorneys all his life, to save his ass from his idiotic decisions.

They are talking about adopting radical ideas not children., on how to cover up their money trails.

If you don’t have a five year old, find one he will translate it for you.

Jeff Sessions will be rebutting back with in the hour. will the beast side come out of him ?

What was so strange.  The Clinton emails are definitely tied to the Russians, trying to help the want to be president sitting pen in hand waiting in White house , for Congress to repair one of his failed campaign promises.