
This shows you what blindness can do between two species, is that the reason for their occasional mating. other than the ones in captivity. the same blindness we have in. our society

Cheating and swindling not to mention his past credibility.

They have not been doctored up yet to benefit him. May be it is John Barron or John Miller his alter ego is hiding them. You forget about his aliases.

What was to be expected after all the criticism, lies, alternate facts, dirty tricks and broken promises made during his campaign. His mode of operation in his past business life has not changed.

I did not think of that possibility. long ago but it would be interesting if some one in the financial end of bookkeeping and accounting saw something fishy going on. Just his claimed looses have amounted to quite a bit of money in credits that he got. Thanks for the thought

Bannon is not exactly in best shape himself. I wonder if hes told Donald to loose a few pounds himself. 

He is not being held captive. there a price one pays for status and fame. for doing his job with out gratitude. He is like a Knight protecting his King. It must be loyalty and trust. I wish him well after he is done being roasted and grilled. He is more of man for going in front of the press five days a week, than the

Is a promotion a new way of telling some one, they are not cut to do their job made imposible by his own appointee the president. I don’t believe there a long line wating to take over his job so they can get roasted 5 days a week like a turkey in the oven. darn turkey only does it once a year.

Not defending Spicey at all , He has made some great SNL material. I would have personally took flight. He is being loyal to his superior that has no gratitude for his servcie and defence. But there are those that seek a tittle and fame, he has made the choice to hang around getting beat up by the press and hidding

There are criminals with all sorts of names, why would his surname make him a target. A criminal with mal intent from the very start, unless he is some type of psychotic killer . He may have been drawn into this as a challenge by a gang maybe, who would be driving down the road and approach a group of women walking

 you ever hear about the man that was looking for a wallet made out of elephant foreskin, that way he would not have to carry his suitcase around. That way in case the need should ever arise all he would have to do is rub his wallet. If he would ever have found it and keep a secret he would have been considered a

A success for how long and for whom. you know we live in a pyramid economy. The base of the pyramid is the working population and support while the very top suck of the sweat& tears, benefits, and hope for a peaceful retirement. Just take a look at the wal-mart mode of operation. Soon to be taken over, probably by

 Nothing wrong with being progressive. If Cuba should ever be a open paradise. the only ones that have the means to build would be foreigners and old families that have money that left or their decedents There is no modern infrastucture there. They have no claims to what properties the may have lost. But the big

In every or most countries you have the wealthy and well to do, and then you have the lower working class and the in betweens. Many of the early Cubans that left before or shortly after when castro took over Knew what was coming and took all they could. They are no different than any other well to do group, They

How is it being called road rage, when the suspect were in a car and targetted the women on foot, they abduct one because she cold noy get away.

So it it was a white guy it was retaliation or hatred towards a group of Muslims that had nothing to do with extremist terrorists.

There are many of them disappointed with Trump’s new policy with Cuba announced this past Friday.

Is there such thing as a Latin, the Romans spoke and communicated in that language, they were also very cruel in their politics and life , as i.e their spectator sports in the coliseum. They are the ones that crucified many including Jesus. Any respectable person of Spanish origin does not label themselves with such

If she was walking with friends how did did turn into road rage incident.>>>>>>>

 A 22 year old of Hispanic origins, unmarried male, with a girl friend and a child. possibly here illegally out at 3:30 am on a Sunday morning. He was either sexually charged, on drugs or motivated by some ones hatred.