
while  45 is down in mar a lago

Agreed , that looks like any one of our local neighborhood Applebees, never did like going there.

Once you get your plate who cares who’s behind.

Can some one arrange for Kayleigh to join Kelleyanne so they can stir more controversy in the White House

How obout acouple of million twitts to POTUS with the color red as a photo, logo etc, in any language there are many more hurdles women face in life than men.

Make America hate again Monkey see monkey do

He wanted to be the best, biggest and grandest, packaged in one dumbest looser.

I have not head a rational explanation why the Russian Foreign minister was inside the Capitol during the speech Tuesday.

 A pet rock has a lower IQ, don’t insult lichen it lives, breathes and it does not make a fool of it self

 He has already damaged his credibility with this last stunt, he needs to get a grip and contol himself, this is going to be a big week to substantiate his claims. The only bitch laughing is putin.

Now playing

How the Finnish feel about Trump and Melanija.

So how white is Melanija Knauss}Knavs{ Trump....

yes the link, I actually though they were non-existent, when I lived in a metropolis in the west coast, now that i live in the woods see them, they even get time on tv  

After all they do owe him something, for what ever help we are aware up to know that got them into the WHITE HOUSE. Give it time we will most likely get to find out more. By refuting himself  we are 1/3 into DOJ Jeff packing up his bags to Alabama, personally don’t think he will survive.

I am sorry I did not know how to get my point across to her.there is enough material to read. Since this is a open post I just can’t come out and forward sensitive material. I did read what you forwarded me.

It’s a guy thing you may not understand.

You did take a close look at the ladder + to enlarge image. they start at the bottom as laborers/soldiers and ascend to commanders /government and business leaders . They start early in life as in BSA , as Cub Scouts they use their badges and achieve their highest at Eagle Scouts. There is segregation among our selves