
Their unducumented child care givers are being deported. they are going to have to pay more for the European Nannys pay taxes and expensive Coffee lattes and pastries.

Are you letting the Trumps pick pocket the dollars out of your wallet by shopping these reailers.

Are you letting the Trumps pick pocket the dollars out of your wallet by shopping these reailers.


what golfing he said he was goint to be to buzy solving problems and making AMERICA greater.

His enemies ( E ) = the mass of protesers ( M ) CONSTANT ( C )exposure of his lies, multiplied by ( ? X ) number of exagerated facts.

we are caught in a time warp it’s time to find “ALTERNATE ESCAPE METHODS”

she is going to be working under the radar on the early start to the re-election of 2020.

Will Ivanka be able to sue KellyAnne for looses and damages.

She is like the torpedo that turned on the trumpmarine that launch her.


Automatic suspension of licence with out a trial and then some.

When history is finally written, they those wild cards, frauds, charlatans that emerged as leaders and rulers will have a class of their own comparable to those in the reptilian family. Trump himself proclaimed that he was going to clean out the swamp, has found his niche in his own lagoon that he has created.

“SPANNER” lovely term

What more qualifications do you need he was the Dean of his own UNIVERSITY

Avoid the temptation to get on his bandwawon,

When is he Trump, going to come out with a comment on Milo Yianopoulos comments on pedophilia a friend of Stephen Bannon associated with Breibart