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The final frontier, some men have never explored. {I’m not a Trekkiee but I thought this might apply}. We all have our boundaries, when we are not prepared or are misled it can be a frightening painful experience. specially when some one does it accidentally. Anything is possible in this universe and earth. Humans are

Hormones always seem to lead people into stupidity.

You should not expect the legal system to protect from stupidity ! he set his own trap and fell into it.

There are some dark days coming , the sun is always behind the clouds of rain and dust , the sun will eventually come out. Give it time. Just like the truth always prevails..........................................................................................................................

That was a nazi GESTAPO move the dictator bypasses all other arms of government and hopes they all fallow his obsessions.

You forgot super rich*@%^#$ friends

Not any more

They all dance in the middle of the streets mocking him. The news refuse to cover the events.

All the reporters treated him with respect and displayed a much superior communication skills and education level than Mr Donald Trump.

A babbling Buffon defending his family which voluntarily joined him against. the advise of others,..........defending his obsesions and contadictions of his own and others in his cabinet. and advisors and his press speakers and defenders Kelleyann and Saun. and Michael Flynn who was most likely trown under the bus.He

If you voted for him , he is your president and your problem, did you have your blinders on when the race was winding down, Another faux pas. he nominates another questionable friend,

Found out hour ago the circus in Washington traveling to Melbourne Australia

Kelly needs her nails done

Will the confidence that donald has with her erode. Will they coin a new ED, EROSION DYSFUNCTION

OMAROSA the Interim FIRST LADY ? till   MELANIA   shows up !

It’s the retail sales hes bringing back not the production, we have a service economy not a productive one.

Donald is the one that started the avalanche.

I thought Donald was into “GOLDEN” showers, apparently only into giving.

The sooner she moves into the WHITE HOUSE she can start giving backstage tours to her QVC  boutique

With all her beauty products whats with all the wrinkles on her cheeks. Happy 47th on April 26.