
The barely contained rage behind her dead eyes every time they cut to her was magnificent to see.

Preposterous. Everyone knows Mr. Mix A Lot gave up his citizenship when he accepted that title of nobility.

There were some stereotypical Italians. They didn't last long, and they still had Brooklyn accents despite also being from New England, but they were there.

Is anyone else deeply disturbed by the Extra Crispy ad with the little kid? The one that ends with the kid all tanned asking "Am I an Extra Crispy boy?" The CGI they used to tan the kid is right out of the uncanny valley, and the phrase "Extra Crispy boy" sounds so icky. It takes a lot to make me cringe, but that

Thanks for reminding me to cancel my Seeso subscription. The free month is almost up and there's no way in hell I'm paying for it, Harmonquest or no.

There was an old NES game I was really into called Seicross. The basic premise of the game was that you drove a hover-bike on an obstacle-ridden track, and you had to bump other riders into the walls to blow them up, and they tried to do the same to you. Then eventually you fight a dinosaur-shaped tank, because of

Just like Nickelodeon to R-E-C-Y-C-L-E its old IP in order to C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E its revenues. I just hope this doesn't P-O-L-L-U-T-E my memories of the original, or else they're gonna get what they deserve.

That movie is 13 years old? I'm not usually one to say this, but Jesus, I'm getting old.

I was pretty into "Runaway Jury" a few years ago when it was on HBO in petty heavy rotation. But I'll acknowledge now that it's not a very good movie.

That's only, like, half a bottle for each member of the band.

Don't praise the (political) machine.

Fun fact: PT Barnum was the mayor of my city for a year in the 1800s. By most accounts he was a pretty good mayor, but that little historical tidbit hasn't helped the image of our political scene. People of a certain age like to say that City Hall is where "The circus came to town and never left."

That CGI is so bad it's hypnotizing. Whoever decided that CGI looks better than a good old fashioned rubber fatsuit is sorely mistaken.

At first it was our Puritanical ancestors. Now Connecticut's liquor laws are mostly the way they are because of griping from package store owners. Whenever the state tries to loosen laws (like when we got Sunday sales a few years back) they bitch about how they will either see their costs go up or lose business to the

Good to know I'm not the only one whose mind goes immediately to the tennis player when I hear that name.

I thought she burnt them all in the scene when she was talking to Marge.

At least both Maryland and Virginia have songs that actually have something to do with their states. In Connecticut our state song is "Yankee Doodle." As in, that song that the British used to make fun of us that is now inexplicably taught to kids as a patriotic song.

He can finally just relax and herd his nerfs in peace.

As long as there's still a White Ranger, who is the best one and also kinda Jesus, then I'm on board.