
I actually thought it might have been Veronica Deane for a second, to tie it in with the season-long arc stuff.

If you think nobody asks for HGTV in their cable packages, you should talk to every woman in my family over 40.

I believe you can buy versions either with or without nicotine.

I feel like "Blurred Lines" and "Get Lucky" had that level of ubiquity a few summers ago. I don't listen to radio, but I couldn't escape those two.

I only know that because of Jonathan Coulton:

But Benjamin Harrison signed the Sherman Antitrust Act!

One "update" I was totally on board with was the decision to make Jonathan gay (but calling him "Jack" was a little on the nose). The Biblical Jonathan was totally gay for David.

Some of the modernizations were a little clunky, but it was such a weird little gem that I couldn't help but like it. I just wish they had kept it on the air long enough to get the the part of the Bible where Saul demands 100 enemy foreskins in exchange for marrying his daughter.

I think I'm just gonna rewatch Kings instead. Ray Winstone is a fine actor, but he's no Ian McShane.

Is it racist that I thought the Arby's voice-over was Keith David and not Ving Rhames?

The advertising writes itself: "Hey, everybody! An old man is talking!"

Yeah, generational math can be weird sometimes. Former President John Tyler (who was president well before Lincoln) still has a living grandson. No "great" needed. His son's son.

So what's the over/under on how many episodes it takes before they use "The Load Out" to score an episode-closing montage? Do you think they shoot their wad with it in the first episode or do they wait for the first season finale?

I'm not gonna lie, the only reason I know Sheffield exists is because of Sheffield Wednesday, and how strange a name that is for a professional sports team.

The worst part of that story to me is that the headmaster needed an atlas to confirm you were right.

Between that one, the opiod constipation ad, and the foot fungus one, it was quite a year for embarrassing ailments at the Super Bowl.

Mountain Dew's Kickstart ad team has a bad history of making disturbing, Dr. Moreau-esque CGI animals in its commercials. The old ones have that shaggy-haired dog with inexplicably human-like legs shaking its ass, which never stopped disturbing me.

But Cam Newtown doesn't do things The Right Way™! He breaks all of the Unwritten Rules of the Game®! How dare he not immediately return to the bench to study his playbook after scoring a touchdown!

That's not how evolution works. The monkey is your uncle. Duh-doy.

Yeah, I've decided lately that I'd much rather swing for the fences with Bernie than sign up for another 4-8 years of half-measures. The president is going to have to fight tooth and nail to get anything done regardless because Republicans refuse to accept anything put forward by a Democratic president, no matter how