
The show started winning me over until the end, when Gus doesn't look at Micky's obvious addiction and suggest they be friends so she can sort her issues out. Ultimately selfish move, not really rooting for them as a couple…or as individuals for that matter. Looking forward to hate watching this and fast forwarding

Did anyone else read the book? I… Was kinda disappointed, tbh. Not truly scary because it telegraphed its conclusion from page one, not futuristic enough because a lot of the tech described was surpassed, seemingly on the first day it was published. Pretty meh for me. Curious what the movie does with it though.

This feels…A little premature.

Unfunny The Onion Rip-off lists Bush Era The Best Art and fails to mention Children of Men? No wonder nobody reads, soon to be cancelled like Star Wipe. Sad!

I consistently skip "Who Pooped the Bed?" It's difficult for me to appreciate anything about that episode.

+1 Those living room shows are incredible in my experience. Highly recommended.

I clicked on this article specifically to see if anyone referenced Euronymous or Varg in the comments.

By far, the best MCU obligatory romantic interest.

Agreed. That was actually a much smarter climax than Marvel usually is able to pull off.

Swinton was delightful. I found myself thinking, halfway through, "I'd totally watch an Ancient One solo movie."

Carpenter referred to himself as "far, far left" and said he and Russel stayed friends bc they just avoided talking politics. The DVD commentary for Big Trouble in Little China is on my top 3 commentary tracks. So funny, they seem to have a lot of fun hanging out.

Fun takeaways:

I started linking it to friends only to have it break 10 minutes after finishing it. Huge bummer.

That was a delightful interview. Also it looks like NYCFA made it private. Bummer.

….Kuru sounds a lot like Joker's laughing gas.

Literally 6 comments down at the bottom of the linked Twitter thread. Please be thorough, it undercuts the point you're trying to make, Sam.

Milo was a mod, he deleted his own question.

I've always assumed Chick was the writer and he worked with other artists.

Bizarre beliefs aside, the actual art of the comics was, near as I can remember, pretty great comic-ing. "Hello There," I remember having a really striking hyper-realistic oeuvre. The cartoon-y approach the It's A Wonderful Life knock-off (I forget the title) had wasn't far off from a style lots of indie-darlings

That's a relatively deep cut reference, and I appreciate you going there.