
I was listening to iFanboy when I started my first 'real' job 10-ish years ago. Holy cow, everyone is getting old.

+1 for iFanboy. They've been doing it for forever, and it shows. Smart guys who aren't so distracted by the flashy carnival-barker nature of comics industry hype and mostly just focus on good, compelling stories. As someone else mentioned, they can be a little cranky, but even then, they're pretty funny about it.

I think I enjoyed Just Friends a smidgen more than Jesse, but I will second the overall outcome: I am a life-long fan of Anna Farris because of that film.

I believe you mean Manny Both-hands. It's a common misconception. He was a great character in the novelization of ANH, tho.

Man, I dunno. I'd say "overindulgent self-parody" but then I flipped through Holy Terror…

Remember how Miller intro'd Supes in DKR? With a white horse, sunshine, flowers and butterflies.