Obo Agboghidi

oh no, the terrible reality of not having one of the highest paid jobs in hollywood

The story isn't even true. It's just a popular meme spread on the internet.

No there isnt. There is no digference at all. The end result is the same in both scenarios

"Regardless" so basically it's a lie.

How do you, personally fight cultural approaition Michael Fennell? Do you only do "white people things" Do you allow a minority to wall all over you in the name of progress?

Interesting how many millionaires and billionaires are being called failures these days.

*Slow clap*

10 dollar downloads are also grossly overpriced when I can stream an album for what amounts to a few cents.

Musicians get shit because many of them grossly overcharge what they are selling.

So much this. I've clicked on ads with my tablet tons of time, because webpages are designed in such an awful way. Its bullshit.

Where is the hard proof?

The black student body president did lie about the KKK marching throughout the school Wednesday night, so yes it's is absolutely reasonable to believe that he is a liar.

To bad that narrative is very, very true.

You do know that Starbucks cup is a total sham. No one actually cares.

This is a primo example of people being letting Sp hurt their feelings, and thus missing the point. They aren't saying you shouldn't open mental health clinics or invest in the communities. They are reflecting the fact that the South park populace is not, and when pressed with the problem of homelessness, police are

Sorry i don't watch fox news. i, and many other people, consider SP to be a smart show that offers a different perspective than most of the other shows on television.

That is what they are complaining about., The argument that SP "takes a middle ground" is bullshit. They are upset that SP isn't explicitly agreeing with them.

Why does it need to help? Do you always ask if the media you watch is helping, or is just reserved for shows that offend your sensibilities?

Did you ignore the other tons of people he has blasted before?

I don't know about you, but where I live, Oakland CA those meetings almost don't exist. There are shootings and murders here every week, sometimes days in a row and no one cares. That isn't hyperbolic. No one fucking cares.