Christian Connor

Weddings can be stressful in their own right - why would you wilfully compound that with extra paperwork!

The kids thing does seem like a complicating factor.

I recently got married and we kept our own names. People have been referring to us as Mr & Mrs Connor (also on Christmas cards). My wife doesn’t care but it annoys me!

Re “making a mountain out of a molehill”: I don’t think you would be, as you’re literally doing nothing. Given the paperwork (changing bank details, passport, driving license, mortgage, etc.), it’s more hassle to change.

When the football supporters in Europe get out of hand, they bring out riot shields and water cannons. Murder aside (!), I’d have thought a water cannon was more effective at repelling a crowd than sniping individuals.

Moldovia was great this year. Didn’t just rely on a flashy lightshow and a few key changes.

The viewing parties are a big deal in my part of southern England–including events held in cinemas and theatres.

Oh no, you’ve stumbled on the secret of all white male artists! :)

Don’t want to dim your enthusiasm, but it’s not a sequel. Lee wrote it first, decided not to publish it and rewrote it as To Kill A Mockingbird.

Alternatively, the US could introduce socialised health care and use its federal negotiating position to drive down the costs of overpriced drugs. I mean, they keep pointing to examples of that working.

I’d happily accept $200k to have opinions about the Trump administration.

In Trump’s mind, all women are whores for money. The only question for him is how much reimbursement Cohen will need. 

... and then hands over the protection racket kick-back?

And then he just tells the guy to leave. “Stealing mentos” is good enough to pull your gun over but not enough to actually detain the thieving reprobate. That’s weird, right??

Like he can feel shame about anything.

Oh absolutely.

Well, I’m sure that’ll make all the difference to these men in their 80s. Their long future careers will suffer tremendously.

Admittedly I’ve not seen the clip but the quotes seemed at least ambiguous. Would prefer your interpretation but can’t quite get there myself.

He’s a free thinker because his thoughts are free from any rationale or logic or facts. They’re untethered from reality.

Cate named her son after Roman Polanski.